Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week One

My grumpy cat is being a big sweetie snuggling up against my leg with a sleepy purr on this rainy Sunday morning.

Check out my Self Care Focus Wheel:

Not to be confused with a pie chart, this is simply a tool I use to remember areas that are important for me emphasize in efforts to avoid feeling down in the dumps when Rick is gone and the rain takes over.

Here are a few examples of how I have used it this week.

Monday after work I was invited over to a friends house for dinner.
+connection (sweet one on one conversations with friend and dinner with her family)
+food (amazing Lebanese style smorgasbord, totally gluten free)
+projects (she passed along a pattern for a cooking mitt, a project I started at her house and never finished)
+exercise (biked to and from)

Tuesday after work I went to contact improv dance class
+exercise (dance and bike)
+connection (went with friend from work and dance community)

Every night since Rick left a week ago I have found myself attending events that have me dancing in the connection and exercise areas of this focus wheel.  I have enjoyed the late summer warmth in combination with the full moon and biked home late every night.  I have spent time with great friends, seen great theater, gone to dance class.  Since Rick has been gone, I have been having a lot of fun.

There are, however, some areas of the focus wheel I have neglected.  I am playing catch up in the down time, logistics, and projects areas.

I really let the house go after he left. I think it started with my shoes. An innocent thought, "I can just leave these here."  In one week, turned my home into complete chaos.  Dishes, clothing, keys.  None of them in their appropriate spot.  I don't mind a catch up day on the weekend, like today, but if I am really going to tackle all the projects I will need to stay on top of it so I can spend my weekend in that area of the focus wheel.  Last week's chaos slipped in to my hygiene routine.  I went two days without brushing my teeth. (what?) 

1 comment:

  1. That chart is a great idea! I may have to borrow that. Scott goes to Japan (or elsewhere) about once a month, and I absolutely know what you're saying about the chaos setting in. Within days (or, to be completely honest, HOURS) the entire house is a complete disaster. If I could get myself to do a little each day... well. This could be the nudge I need.
